What is Pay Per Play Audio Ads?

Pay Per Play Audio AdsNetAudioAds Pay Per Play (PPP) is an online media channel that plays 5 second audio ads as you just heard on websites that place the PPP code on their web pages.

Audio ads are only heard on web pages where the site owner has placed PPP code and is only heard once of the page. Visitors can hear another ad if they visit another page (which has placed PPP code) only after at least 3 minutes have elapsed.

Audio ads do not assume any physical space on your site, because they only heard, not seen.

When PPP audio ads on your site you have the option to disallow competitor ads or ads that you just do not want your site visitors to hear. NetAudioAds review every audio ad before it is aired on their network (your website). They do not allow porn, hate, crime or ads that are questionable nature. NetAudioAds will review the ads, so you do not and be consistent with your specific "no ad" requests.

Pay-per-play is now in great demand by major branding advertisers as well as small businesses worldwide. At 2/29/2008 pay-per-play network has grown to over 25 million websites. We are a strong community and welcome you to join us at no cost.

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